June 15, 2024

Joshua (1 Apr 1493 Jahr v. Chr. – 1 Jan 1463 Jahr v. Chr.)



Joshua, as old as Caleb, died 110 years old (Joshua 13:1; 2Samuel 19:32; Joshua 24:29). The following period [x] is unknown, but it may be reckoned. Indeed, the generation which entered to Canaan with Joshua was to take possession of the country (Judges 2:6- 10), now as the preceding generation had lasted 40 years (Numbers 32:13), that makes it possible to suppose that: [40] = 5 + (25) + x, with (25) = 110 - 85. Calculation gives x = 11 year: 300 = 5 + 25 + x + 8 + 40 + 18 + 20 + 20 + 40 + 7 + 40 + 3 + 23 + 22 + 18. Joshua gave Israelites the pacificated land of Canaan (Joshua 11:23); start of the Jubilee cycle to cancel the debts and free the captives every 50 years (Leviticus 25:8-11). The cycle starts when Canaan is given to Israelites, that is 5 years after they entered the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 6:10,11; Joshua 14:7,10).

The 5-year period can be calculated from the age of Caleb. According to the book of Joshua, Caleb was 85 when the Israelites received the land of Canaan as their inheritance. This was what God had promised to Moses 45 years before. The account specifies that Caleb was 40 when he explored the country from Kadesh-Barnea (Joshua 14:1,7,10). This exploration is dated to the 1st month of the 2nd year after the departure from Egypt (Numbers 9:1, 13:25). Counting these years however proves difficult, because Caleb was born in Egypt and was counting his years according to the old calendar which began in Tishri, e.g. September/October. Then, after having come out of Egypt, years were counted from Nisan (Exodus 12:2, 23:15), e.g. March/April, and no longer from Tishri. There was therefore a 6-month discrepancy against the old system.


Moses and the Exodus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence by Gérard GERTOUX

The Atonement Clock by Christian Gedge

What is known is his final age of 110 and a brief comment concerning his 'youth' when he began serving Moses. (Numbers 11:28)
However, when we study the background of Joshua's final year, it becomes apparent that he died on a Sabbatical. Moses had left instructions to assemble the people every 7th year (Deut. 31:10­12), and just prior to Joshua's parting we see such an assembly taking place at Shechem. (Josh. 24) This was his last public exhortation to all Israel to keep God's law, so the event is clearly defined.


Seder Olam states that Joshua judged for 28 years.


Acts 7:6, 13:17-20

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Apr 1493 Jahr v. Chr.
1 Jan 1463 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 30 years