June 15, 2024

The Western War (14 Mai 1437 Jahr – 24 Aug 1441 Jahr)


The Western War was a war for control of most of the western coast of Arcanó. When the Corazonian Empire declared war on the Agaean Republic, the still weak country knew that it was in trouble. So it sent requests for aid from the Great River Empire. The GRE having people that used to be allies with the old Kingdom of Agaea agreed to send aid. Within a few days a force of around 50,000 men were marching to battle. The majority of the continent's population had been slaughtered in the War of Nations so the armies were small. The Corazonians sent around 80,000 men to attack the reinforcements. But just before the battle began hundreds of Corazonian soldiers rebelled and the leaders of multiple regiments were killed. Hundreds of mutinies happened throughout the Corazonian army. The mutinies were caused by Farallon and Virginiansland loyalists wanting to join their former brothers. Around 50,400 soldiers were loyalists of the former central kingdoms. Around 1,600 people were killed in the confusion. So around 28,000 soldiers were loyal to the Corazonian regime. Because of the mutinies the GRE's army grew from around 50,000 soldiers to around 100,400 soldiers. With the new soldiers, the GRE army tore through the remaining Corazonian defenses. Then the GRE army went quickly to join the Agaean Republic's army of around 120,000. This made the army swell to around 220,400 soldiers. A few weeks later the Corazonian government had gone through its entire army and killed anyone with at least a little sympathy for the old central kingdoms. Thousands were hung, beheaded, or shot. So the Corazonian army sank from around 600,000 to around 450,000. But even with far superior numbers the Corazonian army could not beat the superiorly skilled Agaean soldiers. The Agaean army was far better at fighting in the mountains than the Corazonian soldiers. The old Kingdom of Agaea had set up bunkers and bases throughout the Western Mountains during the War of Nations. And with the superior skills the Agaean and GRE soldiers defeated the Corazonian army. With the war concluded the Agaean Republic took some lands farther north and set up a heavily armed zone on the border with the Corazontian Empire.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

1 Dez 2021


14 Mai 1437 Jahr
24 Aug 1441 Jahr
~ 4 years and 3 months