July 1, 2024

​⠀​​⠀​​⠀​Russian Republic⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Россiйская республика (1 Sept 1917 Jahr – 15 Jan 1918 Jahr)


Self-designated name: Россiя; Россiйская республика; Россiйское государство (Rossiya; Rossiyskaya Respublika; Rossiyskoye gosudarstvo).

Capital: Petrograd.
National anthem: Worker's Marseillaise (until 10 January 1918), The Internationale (since 10 January 1918).

System of government: Republic; Soviet republic (since 12 Jan. 1918).
State structure: Federation (since 12 Jan. 1918).
Political regime: Hybrid regime.

Legal family: Romano-German legal family.
Basic law: Digest of Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire.

Head of state: vacant (before the decision of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly).
Government: Russian Provisional Government.
Head of government: Minister-Chairman of the Russian Provisional Government.
Supreme representative body: State Duma (until 6 Oct. 1917), Provisional Soviet (20 Sep. 1917 - 25 Oct. 1917), All-Russian Congress of Soviets (25 Oct. 1917 - 27 Oct. 1917), All-Russian Central Executive Committee (since 27 Oct. 1917).

Type of interaction with religion: secular separation type.
State religion: Orthodox Christianity (until 23 Jan. 1918); Secular state (since 12 Jan. 1918).
Primate (predstoyatel'): Most Holy Governing Synod (until 21 November 1917), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (since 21 November 1917).

Currency: Rouble.
Military alliance: Triple Entente (1907 - 1918).

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Sept 1917 Jahr
15 Jan 1918 Jahr
~ 4 months and 16 days

