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April 1, 2024

The Nullification Crisis (19 Mai 1828 Jahr – 15 März 1833 Jahr)


South Carolinians were upset after congress passed a high protective tariff. The tariff benefited northern manufacturers but made goods cost more for Southerners. To Southerners the tariff became known as "The Tariff of Abominations." John C. Calhoun, the Vice President, Issued the "South Carolina Exposition and Protest" Which claimed states had the right to nullify (cancel) federal laws they deemed unconstitutional. Additionally South Carolina passed the "Ordinance of Nullification" which formally stated they could nullify federal laws and refused to pay the tariffs. South Carolina even threatened to secede. President Jackson did not agree with South Carolina nullifying federal law and urged Congress to pass the "Force Bill" which said that the president could use federal troops to forcefully collect the tariffs from South Carolina. The bill passed but before troops were put into action statesman Henry Clay proposed a compromise in which the tariffs would be lowered if South Carolina agreed to pay them. Both sides agreed and Congress passed the "Compromise Tariff of 1833." Despite a compromise being reached, South Carolina then nullified the Force Bill to display their disapproval of the law.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


19 Mai 1828 Jahr
15 März 1833 Jahr
~ 4 years and 9 months

