June 15, 2024

The Dwarven prekingdom (1 Jan 1000 Jahr v. Chr. – 1 Jan 870 Jahr v. Chr.)


Near the mountains of plenty the dwarves began. A complex people full of ambition and fine tradesmen. The dwarves prekingdom is much simpler than the elves. The dwarves were always adept at mining and had a sense of the mountains caves and ravines. From the earliest history of dwarves, the importance of mining and the underground plays a major part. From before history was recorded the hobbits of the Linden were always around the dwarves but it is shared through folklore that the hobbits and the dwarves came from a very similar origin. The hobbits from the ground below and the dwarves from the mountains. Above ground the dwarves enjoyed a booming agriculture as well as an economy that was carried by the trade with hobbits. However, the dwarves faced a similar problem to the elves during their prekingdom days. The orcs were an unrelenting force and eventually in the year 870 this threat forced the dwarves to retreat fully underground.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1000 Jahr v. Chr.
1 Jan 870 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 130 years