June 15, 2024

The beginnings of a kingdom (1 Jan 75 Jahr v. Chr. – 1 Jan 32 Jahr v. Chr.)


The elves were under pressure by the orcs from the dwarven territories during this time and needed unity. People turned to the largest of the settlements, Yerinden, for help. Kiel felt the only way to protect the elves was to unite the kingdom under one flag. It took many years but inevitably, either through war or negotiation, the elves were united. Kiel's first step was to abolish serfdom. While many nobles were upset by this action, Kiel had no allegiance but to the elven people. He also started funding the creation of a capital city within Yerinden rather than just a large town. In this city all were welcome regardless of class, or wealth. These actions spurred a time of exploration across the Eastern plains of Yaron seeing as Kiel also started a branch of the military called the "Expeditionary". The elven renaissance was about to enter full swing and Kiel had a feeling. This is also when the elven currency began as they moved from a barter system. Kiel organized an army of highly trained soldiers and this army held the orcs for hundreds of years.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 75 Jahr v. Chr.
1 Jan 32 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 43 years