June 15, 2024

1420 - 1520* Highest point of Manuscript Production in History (1 Jan 1420 Jahr – 1 Jan 1520 Jahr)


From the 12th century the monasteries were no longer the exclusive headquarters for the production of manuscripts.
At the universities "Botteghe degli Stazionari" (Stationary Copyists Shops) were opened, where copyists, organized according to a corporate model, designed the writing of the texts necessary for the activity of the universities.
In these places the book production was more rapid and quantitatively more consistent.

The quantity of manuscripts produced thanks to this new organization is impressive. Between the end of the 14th century and 1520, in just 100 years, more books were produced than in the millennium between 400 and 1400


From Storia - Della Peruta / Chiottolini / Capra
p. 217 - ISBN 88-00-45164-0

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1420 Jahr
1 Jan 1520 Jahr
~ 100 years