June 15, 2024

William McKinley President (4 März 1897 Jahr – 14 Sept 1901 Jahr)


President during the time of the spanish american war and explosion of USS Maine, showed that america was a colonial power
Forced to deal with the problem of Cuba- a foreign policy issue
He wanted an end to the Cuban- Spanish conflict but demanded that spain act responsibly and humanely and that any settlement be acceptable to the Cuban nationals
Throughout 1897 McKinley pressured Spain to make concessions to meet these ends
Able to secure the approval of the Paris Peace Treaty
In demonstrating his political influence on the outcome of these matters, McKinley became the undisputed leader of the Republican Party

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


4 März 1897 Jahr
14 Sept 1901 Jahr
~ 4 years and 6 months