June 15, 2024

the exchange rate between CAD and RMB (15 St. 55 Min, 13 Dez 2019 Jahr – 3 St. 53 Min, 24 Dez 2019 Jahr)


I checked the exchange rate when I want to transfer some RMB to CAD. Now, 1 CAD equals to 5.31 RMB, which is getting lower than the change rate in June. I remembered that last year, the change rate was getting lower to juts around 5.0. But because of the influence of the trade war between China and America, the exchange rate between RMB and CAD suddenly went to really high during the summer. Also I think it influenced by the policies announced by both China and the U.S. on tariffs. The exports from China reduced a little bit, which means countries like Canada had less cheap imports from China. I think this impact is caused by the globalization. The values or policies of one or two countries can easily influence other countries as well.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


15 St. 55 Min, 13 Dez 2019 Jahr
3 St. 53 Min, 24 Dez 2019 Jahr
~ 11 days