// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. William Henry Harrison (4 März 1841 Jahr – 4 Apr 1841 Jahr) (Band der Zeit)
April 1, 2024

William Henry Harrison (4 März 1841 Jahr – 4 Apr 1841 Jahr)


VP: John Tyler

Among Harrison's most enduring legacies is the series of treaties that he either negotiated or signed with Indian leaders during his tenure as the Indiana territorial governor. As part of the treaty negotiations, the tribes ceded large tracts of land in the west which provided additional acreage for purchase and settlement.

Harrison's long-term impact on American politics includes his campaigning methods, which laid the foundation for modern presidential campaign tactics. He was also the first president to have his photograph taken while having incumbency. The image was made in Washington, D.C. on his inauguration day in 1841. Photographs exist of John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, and Martin Van Buren, but these images were taken long after the men's presidential terms had ended.

On March 26, 1841, Harrison became ill with a cold after being caught in a torrential downpour without cover. His symptoms grew progressively worse over the next two days, at which time a team of doctors was called in to treat him. Harrison died on April 4, 1841, nine days after becoming ill and exactly one month after taking the oath of office; he was the first president to die in office.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


4 März 1841 Jahr
4 Apr 1841 Jahr
~ 1 months