June 15, 2024

3rd World War (1 Jan 2050 Jahr – 1 Feb 2052 Jahr)


Since its creation in 2030...the Organization I never had success and wasn't able to precisely express what they wanted. For each new strikes and terrorist attacks, the public opinion was more and more against them. In every countries, the groups made by the organization were disbanded and their members were killed or tortured. After 10 years....the Organization I was almost over. Only 20 extremist groups were still alive, hidden like rats in cities sewers or inside deep mountains.
Doctor Inferno was the leader of one of them. He didn't wanted to stop his Organization I even if his end was close. Though, he knew he wasn't able to fight against the other states anymore especially with those new "Genetical Humans" and the thousands and thousands of robots. But...if he wasn't alone anymore, he can still do something. Something big...
From 2040 to 2050, the hundred last members secretly infiltrated government of little or unstable states. With the general tensed climate in the entire world with the constant pressure and the fear of the "BIG Four" over the little state, an enormous hidden feeling of jealous and revenge were growing inside those little states. During 10 years, the Organization I was exploiting this anger and jealousy to create pacts, alliances and wonderful economics deals with those states. Some of those states eventually realized that the Organization I infiltrated them but her help was so precious and needed that they decided to accept it. Thanks to the Organization I, 2 gigantic alliances, one made with all the states of the middle of Europa and some from Asia and the other made with almost the entire South America were born. Those countries might not be powerful alone...but together they become an unstoppable downpour of anger and rage. The "BIG Four" knew that more and more states were teaming against them. They decided to stay silent and heavily increased the production of weapons, "Genetical Humans" and bombs in case of a conflict.

The 1st January 2050, the 2 alliances with the Organization I started to execute their plans against the "BIG Four" and their allies. Doctor Inferno knew that the world will not have an happy end after that war...he knew that other opinions might have existed at one point but back then...he only saw that one. It's too late to go back now. In a few months, most of the allies from Europa and Africa were destroyed and surrender ! But one the American side, the alliance of the Organization I was getting destroyed every time. The European alliance didn't wanted to fight against the Asian enemy yet, fearing multiple defeats and an unstoppable counter attack. After one year and 2 months the American alliance was totally destroyed. USA and their allies took over the entire south America. On the East side, the European alliance were slowly losing states on the East and was about to lose the French territory too but took over Africa and all her resources.

Multiples negotiations were attempted between the alliance and the "BIG Four" to stop this massacre but none of them wanted to find an agreement. After 1 year and an half of war the alliance understood they couldn't win against the "BIG Four". After 1 week of negotiations between them, they decided to use everything they had including "Chemical Weapons" and "Nuclear Weapons".
And this is when the Era of the civilized human ends.... During half a year, the entire became a living hell. The sky was always covered by dark clouds and smokes... 80% of the landscapes on Earth were dry desert, black acid lakes and ruins everywhere... Big cities like Tokyo, New York, Washington, Rio or London were erased from the map in 2 weeks. Little countries were changed into gigantic no-man's lands. This short period between June 2051 and January 2052 was a Nuclear Holocaust.

In February 2052...the "winner" of this war: Japan, China and USA mostly decided to stop it and create a peace treaty with a surviving states like India, center of Brazil, West of Russia, Canada or Finland.
10 billions of people were alive in 2050, 4.2 billions were alive after this war.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 2050 Jahr
1 Feb 2052 Jahr
~ 2 years