June 15, 2024

Birmingham Protests & Bull Connor (3 Apr 1963 Jahr – 10 Mai 1963 Jahr)


1. The Birmingham protests were organized to bring attention to the integration efforts of African Americans in Birmingham.
2. The movement was organized by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and was led by Martin Luther King Jr., James Bevel, Fred Shuttlesworth, and others. Bull Connor was the police chief who allowed police dogs and fire hoses to be used against the protestors.
3. The protests took place in Birmingham, Alabama.
4. One major cause of the protests was racial segregation in public accommodations and racial discrimination in employment. There were also a few failed campaigns that inspired the protests.
5. One major effect of the protests was the outbreak of mass demonstrations throughout the country. It was a catalyst to JFK's Civil Rights Address and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Martin Luther King Jr's arrest also led to his writing Letter from Birmingham Jail.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


3 Apr 1963 Jahr
10 Mai 1963 Jahr
~ 1 months and 7 days