June 15, 2024

1527 ITALIC Typeface is standardised by 1500 - Aldus MANUTIUS 1501 - Francesco GRIFFO 1527 - Ludovico ARRIGHI (1 Jan 1500 Jahr – 1 Jan 1527 Jahr)


Manutius intended his italic type to be used not for emphasis but for the text of small, easily carried editions of popular books (often poetry), replicating the style of handwritten manuscripts of the period.
The choice of using italic type, rather than the roman type in general use at the time, was apparently made to suggest informality in editions designed for leisure reading.

Manutius' italic type was cut by his punchcutter Francesco Griffo (who later following a dispute with Manutius claimed to have conceived it).

It replicated handwriting of the period following from the style of Niccolò de' Niccoli, possibly even Manutius' own

It was later finally standardised by Ludovico Arrighi, c. 1527. This elegant design inspired later French italic types

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1500 Jahr
1 Jan 1527 Jahr
~ 27 years
