// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Origin of Christianity (1 Jan 30 Jahr – 10 Mai 1816 Jahr v. Chr.) (Band der Zeit)
April 1, 2024

Origin of Christianity (1 Jan 30 Jahr – 10 Mai 1816 Jahr v. Chr.)


Christianity is the belief in the bible and the new testament, From the research I did I learned that christianity is a monotheistic religion and that christians has many beliefs like the trinity, and that Jesus is the son of god. If christianity wouldn't exist people would be part of other religions, but nowadays christianity is one of the biggest religion in the world. In the ancient times in rome christianity was a big deal because all christians believed in only one god and refused to worship the roman gods so they had to meet in secret and if they were caught they were killed. Romans and Christians had different beliefs for example christianity promised life after death in heaven and in Roman religion only gods went to heaven, another belief that christians had was equal opportunity.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

29 Okt 2019


1 Jan 30 Jahr
10 Mai 1816 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 1847 years