June 15, 2024

Criminal Charges Filed Against 6 Officials (7 St. 55 Min, 29 Jul 2016 Jahr – 4 St. 45 Min, 1 Apr 2017 Jahr)


Schuette announced criminal charges against six more current and former state employees, bringing the total number of people charged to nine. Liane Shekter-Smith is the former director of the drinking water and municipal assistance office within the MDEQ. She and two subordinates, Adam Rosenthal and Patrick Cook, allegedly misled officials about Flint's water treatment plant, which was not in compliance with lead and copper rules. The other three people charged are current or former employees of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The director of the child health unit, Nancy Peeler, her subordinate, Robert Scott, and a state epidemiologist Corinne Miller allegedly failed to release a report that showed unsafe lead levels in the blood of Flint children. All six are charged with misconduct in office, conspiracy, and willful neglect of duty. Rosenthal is also charged with tampering with evidence, for allegedly requesting water tests that did not show elevated lead.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


7 St. 55 Min, 29 Jul 2016 Jahr
4 St. 45 Min, 1 Apr 2017 Jahr
~ 8 months