June 15, 2024

29 Okt 1956 Jahr - Suez Crisis


The Suez Canal was a vital line of communication between the Britain and countries pasted the Mediterranean sea. It is also how Western Europe get 80% of their oil.

The president of Egypt, Nassar, nationalised the Suez Canal, threatening the benefits it brings Europe.
This was a response to Britain and America who planned to build a dam in Aswan but cancelled the plan.

Nassar we seen as a vicious dictator (an exaggeration), leading Eden to create a secret plan with Israel and France. This plan involved Israel attacking Egypt, Britain and France would demand a ceasefire, giving more control of the Suez Canal to the fighting countries.

Eden was seen as an expert in foreign policy, however he seemed to have miscalculated his timings. The secret plan took a long time and within that time interest had lost with the other UN leaders as Nassar was control the Canal quite well.

Despite this, the plan went forward with military success but diplomatic failure. A general assembly voted 65 to 5 for France and Britain to be removed from the Suez Canal.

The British government were condemned by the public in anti-war protests, the Labour government, and the USA.

The Suez Crisis are typically seen as the Conservative's lowest point throughout the 1950s, exposing Britain's foreign incompetence with the lack of the USA and Britain's economic reliance on foreign affairs.

Shortly after, in 1957, Eden resigned due to ill health.

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29 Okt 1956 Jahr
~ 67 years ago