June 15, 2024

1 Jan 2050 Jahr - History Of Haiti's Future


In 2050 Haiti will be under a dictatorship run by gangs. The Haitian Revolution was an uprising against the government in 1979. It was led by a former slave named Toussiant Louverture. Due to the resilience of the people, the slaves overthrew the government and created a new Haiti, benefiting the people who lived there. Currently, Haiti is going through a similar uprising, with gangs overthrowing the government. Similar to last time, they are seeing success and currently have control of most of the country. Unlike the revolution, the benefit of the people is not in mind and many are being killed. This success will mean Haiti will be in a world of gang violence, an unstable economy, as well as lots and lots of poverty.

Haiti will need help from other countries if they want to stop the gangs. There is not much left in Haiti alone that can stop the gangs from taking complete control. Hospitals and ports have been taken and the Prime minister is unable to return from Puerto Rico where he has been stuck. The gangs could easily be stopped if other countries with stronger militaries helped by sending forces to take back the places that have been captured and dismantle the gangs. If they send enough, the gangs would be severely outnumbered and out-gunned, making an easy win. Though a huge scar would be left on Haiti, this pushback could mean everything could go back to normal, The prime minister could return, and Haiti could get through the crisis.

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1 Jan 2050 Jahr
~ 25 years and 0 months later