June 15, 2024

14 St. 33 Min, 2 Apr 2024 Jahr - Operation "Beaulshevik"


After 30 long days of plans & attempts, Beau was finally killed on April 2nd.

Beau had gone completely radio-silent for the last month, leaving nobody knowing how to pinpoint his exact whereabouts.
Jake (who acted as intel for certain operations) constructed a outline for where Beau would be on this very day. There was an ROTC meeting scheduled for that afternoon that he would be attending, swe would just have to send 1 troop with a gun to wait outside.
However, there was word that he might leave out of the front doors. So Jareth (who was still dead at the time) decided to set up an operation where Noel would cover the West Lot exit by the ROTC room, while Gage would cover the front entrance of the school.

Jareth waited outside of the ROTC room and blended in as a regular brainrotted student that scrolled TikTok in the halls. Beau and 1 other ROTC trooper unexpectedly walked out to head to their cars to grab something. Beau recognized Jareth however, and Jareth tried making as much small talk as possible whilst texting Noel to be on alert.
And as Beau walked outside while thinking nothing of the weird encounter, Noel jumped out of the shadows and shot Beau dead.

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14 St. 33 Min, 2 Apr 2024 Jahr
~ 2 months and 14 days ago