June 15, 2024

21 Apr 2020 Jahr - Collapse of The United Federation, The Golden Accord and Genesis are Founded


The United Federation was a democratic alliance existing for much of Pre-Beta, with it being the first alliance founded in Starscape. The factions involved in it at the time was PEGA, TBB, LS, MOPP, and E01.

On the morning of April 22nd 2020, UF Chancellor and Pegasus leader xRitual requested to join the Alliance of Free Systems, who just recently began a vote of no confidence against their current chairman Inferno_Mode. xRitual saw this as a chance to take control of an opposing alliance, and to destroy it. Inferno_Mode resigned before the vote proceeded, and Pegasus was voted into the alliance.

The following day, xRitual was elected Chairman of AFS to fill the vacant seat. It was later revealed that xRitual rigged the election with the help of one of the AFS leaders, DanXD911. This news sparked an argument in the UF server, where the UF Senate argued that xRitual was in violation of one of the Federation rules, stating that any member faction was not allowed to join another alliance. A vote was soon called by UF Senators Coolidest, Juiceboi and Deanper to remove xRitual from being Chancellor of UF for this violation. xRitual refused to surrender power to the UF Senate, and banned the Senators for 'treason.' After the collapse of UF, AFS also removed xRitual from his Chairman role. Shockwaves were sent across the community.

In the following days, those who opposed xRitual’s regime: TBB, LS and MOPP formed the Holy Mango Alliance, shortly renamed to The Golden Accord.

xRitual contacts Vanguard Coalition leader N3vadan to form Genesis with Pegasus, later joined by Velifer’s VYKDOM.

What follows the creation of these two alliances are some of the largest and most influential battles in Starscape’s history, resulting in the deaths of thousands.


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1 Mon. zuvor


21 Apr 2020 Jahr
~ 4 years ago