June 15, 2024

1 Jan 350 Jahr - Ezana of Aksum


A man named Meropius was journeying to India with two young servants. Their ship ran out of supplies and when they sought help in Aksum all on the ship were killed except for the two young servants, Frumentius and Aedesius. They would go on to become trusted advisers to the royal family and convert the young king Ezana to Christianity. King Ezana reigned 320-356 and was the first Christian king in Africa. Frumentius also became the first bishop in Africa, after being anointed by Athanasius of Alexandria and taking the name Abba Selama around the late 340s. Thus, Aksum was the first Christian Kingdom in Africa. The link between Ethiopia (Aksum) and Egypt (Alexandria) would continue through the time of Chalcedon, meaning that in the 5th century, Africa was primarily influenced by the Miaphysites.

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1 Jan 350 Jahr
~ 1675 years ago