June 15, 2024

1 Jan 444 Jahr - Cyril of Alexandria


Cyril of Alexandria (CE 375-444) was a bishop who played a key role in the Council of Ephesus. He was the chief opponent of Nestorius in debats both before and in the council. He contradicted Nestorius's rejection of Mary as Theotokos (God-bearer or mother of God) and asserted Theotokos is necessary language, as it contradicts the heresy that Jesus was a mere man who was united with the Son of God. Despite his victory at Ephesus, Cyril did damage his reputation and weaken his victory by calling the council to session before all of the members had arrived. John of Constantinople had not arrived and consequently condemned the council of Ephesus as invalid. This condemnation was not upheld ecumenically, but it did contribute to the fracture in the Church that resulted from the Council.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 444 Jahr
~ 1581 years ago