June 15, 2024

1 Jan 431 Jahr - Council of Ephesus


Despite the previous two councils, the debate over the divinity of Christ continues. One Nestorious (CE 386-451) has taken issue with the language of the Church which calls Jesus' mother Mary the Theotokos (God-bearer or mother of God). In debates leading up to the council of Ephesus, he maintains that Mary gave birth to a man who was united with God, not to the divine Son of God. The opposition to Nestorius is represented by Cyril of Alexandria (CE 375-444) who argues that Theotokos is necessary language, as it rejects the heresy that Jesus was a mere man who was united with the Son of God This debate then leads to questions of how the divine and human are united in Christ. The council of Ephesus was called by Emperor Theodosius II to address these concerns. Cyril and Nestorius both arrived at the council, but Nestorius' ally John of Antioch did not arrive. Cyril Called the council into session without John, and the council ruled to condemn the teachings of Nestorius as heretical and affirm the use of Theotokos. John arrived several days after the council, and in anger convened his own council to condemn the original council of Ephesus. The Council of Ephesus is, however, considered the 3rd Ecumenical council today.

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1 Jan 431 Jahr
~ 1594 years ago