June 15, 2024

1 Jan 430 Jahr - Augustine of Hippo


Augustine of Hippo (CE 397-430) was born to a pagan father and a Christian mother in the Western Roman Empire. He was initially drawn to Manichaeism (a religion that focuses on maintaining the eternal balance of good and evil). However, after learning rhetoric in his youth, he went to Milan to teach rhetoric where he met Ambrose. Ambrose of Milan then converted and baptized Augustine as a Christian. He then became the bishop of Hippo and was regarded as one of the greatest minds of his generation. Augustine now is regarded as perhaps the most influential theologian of the early church period. He gained his recognition chiefly by his arguments against Donatism and Plagiarism. Contrary to the high purity standards of Donatists and the Pelagian belief that humans could choose to be perfect, Augustine took the Neoplatonist view of evil as the absence of good and something that humans were helpless against. Perhaps because of his context, living through the fall of the Western Empire, He continually focuses on the inability of humans to be happy, and the precariousness of life.

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1 Jan 430 Jahr
~ 1595 years ago