June 15, 2024

1 Jan 311 Jahr - Start of Donatist Controversy


After the death of Diocletian, the persecution of Christians decreased considerably. Especially after the Edict of Milan in CE 311, Christians had the freedom to govern their own affairs, and one of the chief considerations they had was what to do with those who had betrayed the faith in the face of persecution. This became a focus when Caecilian was appointed bishop of Carthage. He had (allegedly) handed over scripture manuscripts to Roman authorities during the persecution. When Caecilian refused to appear at trial, Majorinus was elected to replace him. Majorinus then led a group of churches in North Africa into a schism. Majorinus was succeeded by Donates, after which the movement, Donatism, was named.
The Dnatists would go on to grow in strength and play a pivotal role in the teachings of Augustine. It would not be until 1054, however, that the Donatist's uncompromisingly high standards for religious purity would divide the Church forever. This is "The Great Schism" that split the Roman Catholic Church from the Eastern Orthodox Church of today.

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1 Jan 311 Jahr
~ 1714 years ago