June 15, 2024

11 März 2015 Jahr - FDCARD


Arguably the historical holy grail of tokenized assets within the Counterparty community. It is the first digital game collectable ever tokenized to Counterparty (and was before Ethereum went live).

FDCARD is card #1 within the Spells of Genesis game which was the first game to leverage blockchain for in game assets (aside from currency purposes). The FDCARD is also one of the first instances of tokenized cryptoart, especially in a curated collection. The artist of FDCARD was Alejandro Hurtado, but other artists contributed to the art in the project such as Ryo Feugere, Andrew Fairhurst, Ramsès Melèndez and Herckeim.

Many of the pieces in the collection reference cryptocurrency culture at the time of minting. The company EverdreamSoft, founded by Shaban Shaame, leveraged the Counterparty platform to tokenize a series of assets on the bitcoin blockchain for use in their game Spells of Genesis which still remains active today.

FDCARD was originally distributed to participants of the innovative FoldingCoin project as a reward for contributing their idle computational power.

The original tokenized assets are now highly sought after collectibles and regarded as historical artifacts that pioneered the emergence of this entire new asset class and the associated industries, events, artists and economies.

Issuer: 1PWqaoM6xhfmbHWFMqcLGMeAXcx8DvT3iK

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


11 März 2015 Jahr
~ 9 years and 2 months ago
