June 15, 2024

22 Jun 2023 Jahr - Muszy's outburst and apology


When rejoining for the third time, Muszy and Attila butted heads in the transfers channel. Due to Muszys actions over the previous months, the 8thLR Staff was hesitant on immediately accepting Muszy back into the 8thLR. They concluded it would be best to discuss if Muszy should be accepted back into the regiment which took two days. As the staff concluded Muszy would be allowed back, he grew tired and upset at waiting and proceeded to drop the following message in the channel.

"Numerous this, numerous that, Attila, honestly, I wish you'd just stop lying to me and lying to everyone else here. I think if you actually told them the full truth, a lot of people would leave. I've always had trust and confidence issues, so when I finally put my faith in you guys you betrayed that trust by ambushing me to get what you wanted. I'm sorry you're so precious that my friends teasing you in game qualifies as harassment and threats. You're so ungrateful for all the stuff that I did for this group and think that what happened in the past two months is all that I did, when you're the one who started this mess. I've seen you copy and pasting my work because you don't have the fucking braincells to create anything original besides a mongolian company in a prussian regiment. You're such a petty, ungrateful asshat. Hope you have a good life.”

He would go back on this statement, later apologizing in Jailroom.

“I am sorry for the pain caused by me making a scene after stepping down as Oberst. For trolling in events, for making snarky remarks, for criticizing the new line leaders, and for spreading lies and rumors. I blatantly disregarded the requests of the officers to improve the regiment despite many meetings. You presented me an optional proposal which I could have said no to, but I didn’t. Deep down, I think I knew it was right and that the helm of the ship should be handed to someone else, and in coping with that, I went throughout the community telling a different story to whoever would listen. After that, you allowed me a second chance, which I blew by double-regging and lashing out in tavern talk which was completely uncalled for. Now, when considering my third chance, I also dug my own grave through making another scene. At this point, I just want my friends back and want to take responsibility for my actions. You don’t deserve all the trouble that has headed your way because of me and I don’t want to be the cause of anymore any longer.”

Muszy would be accepted back into the reg shortly after this, once again getting an enlisted rank. Despite rejoining the regiment officially here, he wouldn’t actually attend any events. Instead he would once again merc with other regiments until leaving a month later. Within this timeframe, his attitude was still relatively sour. Him apologizing didn't change much.

Muszy would leave again around a month later on the 18th of July.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

20 Tagen zuvor


22 Jun 2023 Jahr
~ 11 months ago