June 15, 2024

1 Jan 2900 Jahr v. Chr. - Gebelein Painted Linen



The Gebelein painted linen is one of the oldest Egyptian objects... One of its preserved fragments shows the procession of boats. It also includes elements like the later pharaonic iconography such as: a man sitting on the throne and a kneeling figure with hands tied behind his back and a mace-head hanging under his head. The sitting man is wearing a robe very similar to that used during later sed celebrations (Błaszczyk: 2008, 57-61).

It is obvious that radiocarbon dating gives values that are exponentially overestimated from the First dynasty onwards. However, if the dates obtained by 14C dating are calibrated by those obtained by astronomy, all durations prior to 2600 BCE are exponentially compressed. This compression of the Egyptian chronology is consistent with the few historical data since the predynastic kings, who would have reigned for several hundred years according to 14C dating, reigned for only a few decades because they left only mortuary monuments and a few statuettes.

The dating of this painted cloth is aberrant, as the presence of a predynastic king obliges to classify this cloth in the Naqada III period (predynastic) [3350-2686 BC] instead of the Naqada II (Neolithic). Moreover, as Gebelein is located on the Nile, about 40 km south of Thebes, the procession of these large flat-bottomed Mesopotamian-type boats probably commemorates the arrival of Egyptian-speaking Mesopotamians from Byblos. The dates used by Egyptologists are fanciful, so their interpretations are fanciful. The basic logical principle for understanding the appearance of the Egyptian civilisation is the same as for the appearance of the Mesopotamian civilisation, the following three elements are closely linked: the construction of temples or tombs city hotels, their administration, and the use of pictographic writing. When the empire of Marduk collapsed with the Uruk expansion (c. 2950 BCE), the Egyptian-speaking Mesopotamians left their cities (such as Babel), went up the Euphrates to Habuba Kabira, then some joined the city of Byblos to go to Egypt by going up the Nile to a place that became Memphis and then further south, another place that became the first capital of Egypt: Thinis with its royal necropolis at Abydos.

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1 Jan 2900 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 4927 years ago