June 15, 2024

1 Jun 547 Jahr v. Chr. - Fall of Sardis


Latin Eusebius states occurred in olympiad 58.1

Wikipedia contributors. (2023, May 3). Sardis. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 02:06, May 31, 2023, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sardis&oldid=1153012434

Sardis was conquered by Cyrus the Great around 547 BC. Having defeated the Lydian king Croesus at the Battle of Pteria and Battle of Thymbrara, the Persians followed the retreating army back to Sardis and sacked it after a brief siege.[3] [4][1](pp1115, 1120) Details of this event are largely known from Herodotus's semi-mythicized account, but the destruction is highly visible in the archaeological record. In the words of excavator Nicholas Cahill:

It is rare that an important and well-known historical event is so vividly preserved in the archaeological record, but the destruction of Cyrus left clear and dramatic remains throughout the city.[4]
The city's fortifications burned in a massive fire that spread to parts of the adjoining residential areas. Wooden structures and objects inside buildings were reduced to charcoal. Mudbrick from the fortifications were toppled over on adjacent structures, preventing looting and salvage and thus preserving their remains.[4]

Skeletons were found buried haphazardly among the debris, including those of Lydian soldiers who died violently. One soldier's forearm bones had been snapped, likely a parry fracture indicating a failed attempt to counter the head injuries that killed him. A partly healed rib fracture suggests he was still recovering from an earlier injury during the battle. In a destroyed house, archaeologists found the partial skeleton of an arthritic man in his forties. The skeleton was so badly burned that archaeologists cannot determine whether it was deliberately mutilated or if the missing bones were carried away by animals.[4]

Arrowheads and other weaponry turn up in debris all around the city, suggesting a major battle in the streets. The varying styles suggest the mixed background of both armies involved. Household implements such as iron spits and small sickles were found mixed in with ordinary weapons of war, suggesting that civilians attempted to defend themselves during the sack.[4]

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jun 547 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 2573 years ago