June 15, 2024

23 St. 32 Min, 28 Feb 2198 Jahr - Federated Systems of Terra declare Martial Law


Enacting Cincinnatus Protocol, a full Senate of the Federated Systems is called, and by overwhelming majority, issues a senatus consultum 'rei gerundae causa', prompting the PM to nominate a Dictator.

Upon Senatorial confirmation, the Dictator is issued a Mandate of Command, and installed as the Supreme Commander of Terra, and the Federated Systems declares martial law, transitioning into the Terran War Command, with the Supreme Commander forming a Junta of picked individuals.

The Senate is locked in place for 10 years, unless the matter takes less than 10 years to resolve, in which case re-elections MUST take place within 1 year, and will be arrested and tried after the war; they will never be allowed to hold a political position again. The Senate remains in place as the Civilian Council.

The Supreme Commander and his/her Junta will likewise be arrested and tried after the war, but do not have a term limitation.

Every 2 years, a Congress of Representatives is elected, gathered, and briefed extensively on the state of the war. They are allowed to call for a vote to issue a Writ of Cessation; if the vote should succeed, the proposal then moves to the Civilian Council for vote; upon passing, it moves to the SC, who has ultimate Pass/Veto power.

At any time, upon the SC's orders, the Senate and Congress can be made to vote on Writs of Cessation, or to debate terms of victory/surrender. SC Cannot Pass/Veto writs he orders.

Upon confirmation of a Writ of Cessation, the Congress is to begin preparing to take over for the Senate, while an election is held to determine a new Prime Minister.

When all conditions have been met, the Supreme Commander formally declares Martial Law to be over, reinstates the Federated Systems of Terra, and orders that himself, his Junta, and the Senate be arrested and placed into custody pending trail for High Treason and usurptation of the rightful government.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

19 Jan 2019


23 St. 32 Min, 28 Feb 2198 Jahr
~ 173 years and 0 months later