June 15, 2024

2 Feb 2023 Jahr - (FRANCE) Rail Route Connect: carriers commit to developing combined transport


Seven road hauliers and logistics companies with branch warehouses have joined forces with the SNCF to accelerate the development of combined road-rail transport by offering an end-to-end service.

Dupessey&Co, Laforêt Logistique, Lahaye Global Logistics, Transports Lassalle, Mediaco Vrac, Ederlog Multimodal, and Groupe MGE have joined forces with Fret SNCF to form the first national network to promote rail massification: Rail Route Connect (2RC).

The network works by pooling resources: "each carrier and/or logistics provider handles pre- and post-carriage services with its own resources, and Fret SNCF handles the long-distance part via its own production method (capacity management)," the partners explain.

A specific fleet of wagons will be dedicated to this network, in order to guarantee routing and availability, and the first flows will start in April.

The founders of Rail Route Connect are counting on the arrival of other partners, as the network is "destined to grow, both in terms of the number of players and in terms of capacity," as stated in the Fret SNCF press release.


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2 Feb 2023 Jahr
~ 1 years and 4 months ago