June 15, 2024

8 Dez 1997 Jahr - Those That Came Before


Buffy takes a career aptitude test, lamenting her lack of future beyond slaying. She turns to Giles, wishing to learn more about the girls who came before her. Giles gives her access to the Watcher Diaries, through which Buffy starts to read. Seeking a cure for Drusilla's illness, Spike tries to read a book stolen from Giles, but learns that it is in code. He sends his minions to find the decoder. Angel visits Buffy, arranging a date. Buffy goes to meet Angel, but are attacked. She and Angel kill the assassin, who Giles identifies as the Order of Taraka. Buffy remembers reading about them in one of the Watcher Diaries, the one concerning Kendra, the Slayer who helped defeat the Master in the 1930s. Earlier in her career, she faced the Order of Taraka, a sect of religious fanatics who sought to cleanse the world of the supernatural. Giles also warns Buffy that there may be more assassins after her, including shapeshifters, making Buffy paranoid. She retreats to Angel's house. Angel is captured by Spike, who in turn presents him to Drusilla. Giles discovers that Drusilla can use Angel in a ritual to cure her, and that the assassins were trying to kill Angel to prevent the ritual. Buffy rushes to Angel's aid and is immediately captured. Spike begins the ritual, and the assassins bring Buffy to Spike. Willow, Xander, Giles, and Cordelia fight the vampires and assassins, killing several and rescuing Angel. Xander and Cordelia begin a relationship. Drusilla, now restored to full health, pulls an injured Spike from the wreckage.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

28 Mär 2023


8 Dez 1997 Jahr
~ 26 years ago