June 15, 2024

22 Sept 1997 Jahr - Some Assembly Required


After killing some vampires, Buffy and Angel find an open grave, from which the body has been stolen. Later, Cordelia and Angel come across body parts belonging to three girls who died in a car crash. Buffy and her friends suspect that two science students, Chris and Eric, have been using the body parts to create a new body, with the intention of resurrecting it to build a bride for Chris's brother Daryl, who had died several months earlier and has already been reanimated. Chris and Eric decide that they need a fresh head, as the process of adding formaldehyde to the corpses has caused the brains to decay too quickly. They attempt to kidnap Cordelia, but Buffy arrives in time to rescue her. Buffy persuades Chris to abandon the plan, but Eric and Daryl kidnap Cordelia at a football game. Chris leads Buffy to the lab, where she fights Daryl. During the fight, Buffy accidentally sets the lab on fire. Daryl stays with the unfinished body and burns along with it. Separately, Giles and Jenny enjoy a first date and make plans for a second, while Angel and Buffy walk to his home, holding hands.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

28 Mär 2023


22 Sept 1997 Jahr
~ 26 years ago