June 15, 2024

20 Jun 1789 Jahr - The Tennis Court Oath (Political)


Cause: Because the Third Estate was out-voted by the First and Second Estate, they called themselves the National Assembly. This led to them being locked out of the original meeting place - a hall at Versailles - so they decided to hold their meeting at the tennis court. This is where they formed the Tennis Court Oath. The Oath contained agreements to not separate until a written constitution had been established for France.

Effect: The Tennis Court Oath laid foundations for later events. Some of these events included The Declaration of the Rights of Man as well as the Storming of the Bastille. The oath was significant because it was the first time the French citizens stood together against the king. This was significant because the Storming of the Bastille was the first major act in the revolution.

Significance: This led to the exchange of new ideas because people came together over the fact that they disliked King Louis XVI. They stood together and agreed that they would never separate until a constitution was in place. This led to new ideas since people were able to spread their thoughts through the groups that they made. Their idea spread through France as they stormed the Bastille, ridding Louis XVI of his ammunition and supplies. Culture was affected as the political status of France was in unrest. The government had to adapt to what the citizens wanted as they were growing in power and tactics.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

25 Feb 2023


20 Jun 1789 Jahr
~ 235 years ago