June 15, 2024

4 Mai 1789 Jahr - The Call of the Estate General (Political)


Cause: During the 18th century, France was on the verge of economic collapse as a result of the debt it had from wars and conflicts. Additionally, the kings and queens consistently partied, causing the economy to fall. Not only were they bound to collapse because of the money spent, but harvests were also poor. This led to food shortages, inflation and unemployment. King Louis XVI noticed this and realised that it was going to be a problem they needed to fix. Because of this, he called an emergency meeting where all three estates gathered to find a solution.

Effect: The Call of the Estate General resulted in the Third Estate calling themselves the National Assembly because the First and Second Estate were going to out vote them. This one event marked the start of the French Revolution.

Significance: The call of the Estate General led to an exchange of new ideas because the third estate called themselves the National Assembly. This would have led to new ideas because with the new separated government, it led to different types of events. This action of becoming the National Assembly was able to allow people to stand against Louis XVI and it brought people together as they came up with the Tennis Court Oath soon after.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

25 Feb 2023


4 Mai 1789 Jahr
~ 235 years ago