June 15, 2024

1 Jan 1400 Jahr - 1404* - [5] │ DEI LIBERI Fiore ** │ Fior di Battaglia (MS)


*Circa 1400 - MS M.383
Tratt‍ato della sch‍erma

Translation: Treatise on fencing

*Circa 1404 - MS Ludwig ⅩⅤ 13
Fior di Battaglia

Translation: The Flower of Battle

*Circa 1409 - Pisani Dossi MS (LATIN)
Flos Duellatorum Il Fior di Battaglia,
Duellatorum in armis – sine armis –
equester – pedester di Fiore Furlan dei
Liberi da Premariacco

The heart of the duelling battle with arms, without arms, on horse-back, on foot by Fiore Furlan dei Liberi da Premariacco

*Circa 1420 - MS Latin 11269 (LATIN)
Florius de Arte Luctandi

Translation: The Flower of Battle

1609 - MS XXIV
Fior di Battaglia

Translation: The Flower of Battle

Pardoel 2005, 1504/05/06.01
Cat. BNF 1897 (vol. XCVII), 968

MS M.383 - Morgan Library & Museum - New York City - USA

MS Ludwig ⅩⅤ 13 - J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, USA

Pisani Dossi MS - Museo archeologico Villa Pisani Dossi, Corbetta, Italy

MS XXIV - Biblioteca Guarneriana in San Daniele del Friuli - Italy

MS Latin 11269 - Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris, France

MS Ludwig ⅩⅤ 13 contains the most content of any of the five known manuscripts of Fior di Battaglia (Tratt‍ato della sch‍erma is by all means a Luxury first draft of the same AN).
The text takes the form of descriptive paragraphs set in poor Italian verse, which are nevertheless fairly clear and informative; its preface, format, illustrations, and text are all very similar to the MS M.383.
Despite their shared characteristics, however, there are important differences, not the least of which is the vastly different order of the information. This difference in sequence is often attributed to the fact that the preface indicates that it was laid out according to the wishes of Niccolò, whereas the MS M.383 claims to have been laid out according to Fiore's own intellect.
- Wiktenauer

**Dei Liberi da Premaracco (Premariacco), Fiore (Furlan) - Maestro

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1400 Jahr
~ 624 years ago
