July 1, 2024

15 Aug 1998 Jahr - "Feelings of Having Suffered Needlessly" WT article published (regarding military draft/ alternative civilian service)


After tens of thousands of young Witness men in the prime of their lives have spent years in jails for refusing civilian service in 1996 the Watchtower decided such service was not unchristian and a matter of choice.

"What, though, if the State requires a Christian for a period of time to perform civilian service that is a part of national service under a civilian administration? That is his decision before Jehovah." Watchtower 1996 May 1 p.20
How does the Watchtower justify such needless suffering? Rather than apologize they claim it was Jehovah that allowed it!

"Feelings of Having Suffered Needlessly.

In the past, some Witnesses have suffered for refusing to share in an activity that their conscience now might permit. For example, this might have been their choice years ago as to certain types of civilian service. A brother might now feel that he could conscientiously perform such without overstepping his Christian neutrality regarding the present system of things. Was it unrighteous on Jehovah's part to allow him to suffer for rejecting what he now might do without consequences? Most who have had that experience would not think so. Rather, they rejoice that they had the opportunity of demonstrating publicly and clearly that they were determined to be firm on the issue of universal sovereignty." Watchtower 1998 Aug 15 p.17

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

12 Nov 2022


15 Aug 1998 Jahr
~ 25 years ago