June 15, 2024

29 Nov 2800 Jahr v. Chr. - 2nd Dynasty 2800-2650 BCE


Very little is known about this Dynasty, which means that not everything is accurate. Horus Hotepsekhemwi is assumed to be the first king of the 2nd Dynasty as his name is found at the entrance of Qa'a'(s? don't know how grammar works woops) tomb, which probably means he buried him which suggests he was his successor. He also is suggested to have re-united Egypt after some turmoil, but that is just a theory. Egypt did, actually, get divided into 2 parts again, but was eventually re-united, although we don't know for sure who did.
The kings that (assumedly) follow him are as follows;
Horus Nebre, extremely little is known about him, except that he had a child named Perneb.
Horus Ninetjer, ruled for at least 24 years and is the last known king to have been buried at Saqqara. Little is known about him except that his name is found throughout Egypt which suggests a military expedition against Nubia and may have divided Egypt.
Weneg, we don't know if he was even a king for sure, next to nothing is known about him.
Seth Peribsen, only king in the history of Egypt to have the name of Seth instead of Horus.
Horus Sekhemib, again, we don't even know if he was a king for sure.
Horus-Seth Khasekhemwi, brought unity back to a country divided during Ninetjer's reign.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

13 Feb 2018


29 Nov 2800 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 4828 years ago