June 15, 2024

1 Jan 1839 Jahr - 1887 - [2] │ RESENDE José de Melo Pacheco │ Tratado de esgrima ...


Instrucção do jogo d’espada a pé a cavallo para ser posto em pratica na eschola militar, e nocorpos de cavallaria e artilheria montada do excercito do Brasil

Instruction in sword play for infantry and cavalry which can be used in military school, and by the cavalry in the Brazilian army

Cavalry instructions for the use of the bodies of this weapon, of the first line and of the National Guard, containing, in addition to the school on foot and on horseback, the game of sword and the convenient evolutions as well as the obligations of officers and lower officers, and finally all that It is necessary that you know who belong to this weapon, including the formation as infantry in use in all the armies of Europe. Compiled by the best and most modern authors, by a former officer of the Army of the Empire of Brazil

Cavalry instructions for the use of the bodies of this weapon, of the first line and of the National Guard, containing, in addition to the school on foot and on horseback, the game of sword and the convenient evolutions as well as the obligations of officers and lower officers, and finally all that It is necessary that you know who belong to this weapon, including the formation as infantry in use in all the armies of Europe. Compiled by the best and most modern authors, by a former officer of the Army of the Empire of Brazil

Valle 2023, 453/54
Pardoel 2005, 1705/06.01
Leguina 1891, 87;
Thimm 1896, 188
Almirante 1876, p.501;
Donnell 1926, 689;

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1839 Jahr
~ 185 years ago