June 15, 2024

28 Aug 2022 Jahr - (FRANCE) Ecotrain - A solar-powered train in Occitania


Philippe Bourguignon, a former research director at Engie, is enjoying an active retirement. For more than four years now, he has been developing the idea of an eco-train that would run on the sun according to the model of collective self-consumption in a local loop, a system that he wanted to use direct current to avoid conversion costs. This would allow for home-to-work journeys at 2g CO2/km per passenger, the lowest carbon footprint in the world, but also the transport of fruit and vegetables from local farmers in short circuits! An innovative initiative, closely scrutinized by Ademe, whose first pilot section of 9 kilometers should see the light of day between Albi and Saint Juéry in Occitania in 2023, then between Auch and Agen in a second phase!

Collective self-consumption opens up endless and limitless horizons in terms of energy strategy. This has been Philippe Bourguignon's leitmotiv since the early 2010s. He has even gone so far as to make light, autonomous trains run on solar energy.


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28 Aug 2022 Jahr
~ 1 years and 9 months ago