June 15, 2024

24 Aug 1605 Jahr - Xeripenta Colony Founded [Javicia]


Capital: Ňuňãport (named after the captain of the ship, Captain Fa Ňuňãv)
Colony named after Emperor Xerin II of Javicia.
Later the colony was called the Xerina Colony.

The original settlers of the colony were from the Vulxes River Delta region, most of them Oipientian men who believed in Oipientixian. The colony was orchestrated by the Soleian Charter Company which set the standard for Javician colonies requiring a charter in order to be recognized and supported by the Empire of Javicia. Most charters were given by the Emperor in exchange for economic deals. The colonial charter companies, were joint-stock companies that dominated the early colonization efforts. However, most of the colonies of Javicia in Soleia were not chartered through a charter company but rather by the settlers themselves.

The Xeripenta colony had a blissful start as the first year, it had a bountiful harvest and relations with the native inhabitants, the Sarina people, were good for the beginning. As the colony expanded over the rest of the Xerina Island, more settlers pushed the Sarina people into isolated areas and this caused mass conflict. By 1610, small Javician settlements were being burned and raided by Sarinan tribes and in the winter of 1610, the Sarina-Xeripentan War broke out. The war devastated the Xeripentan colony and dislodged the already disorganized Sarina people. By 1615, the Xerina colonists erradicated the Sarina people through warfare, disease, and slavery.

After the establishment of the Javician Colonia Empire by 1640, the Xerina Colony was the most populated colony with around 13,000 Javicians on the island. However, devastation hit the colony in 1648 when a drought hit. The drought, known as the 1648-1655 Sarinan Drought, caused mass migration from the colony and the shift from an agrarian economy to a more industrial type one.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

22 Aug 2022


24 Aug 1605 Jahr
~ 419 years ago