April 1, 2024

16 St. 8 Min, 6 Dez 2009 Jahr - EMAIL Joel Mandel to Johnny Depp


TO: Johnny Depp
FROM: Joel Mandel
SENT: Dec 6, 2009, at 4:08 PM,


I wanted to be sure lo reach out to you, personally, before you left. Since my email to
you in September, I have done what I was told you wanted done, meaning, "getting us
through" financially until work could start again.

The good news is that, so far, we have
been able to do that. Notwithstanding, I need your help in a variety of ways. First, we
need to "take it easy on holiday spending. Second, we need to discuss some dollar limit
in the upcoming Dillinger auction. Third, I need to be able to sit with you on your return
from this trip, and before you leave for France, so that we can talk about where we are
financially, what we have borrowed in order to sustain ourselves, what we have had to do
to obtain those borrowings, what is now necessary to pay those borrowings back and, finally, to look realistically at income and expenses and to work together on how to make
sure that these are back in balance.

I know that things are hectic for you at the moment, but know that I am available, day or
night, if you want lo discuss any of this now.

My best, and please travel safely.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

1 Tagen zuvor


16 St. 8 Min, 6 Dez 2009 Jahr
~ 14 years ago
