April 1, 2024

11 Mai 1939 Jahr - Battle of Khalkin Gol Begins


Nomonhan was on the border of an area disputed between Mongolia (a territory of China not yet internationally recognized but which had Soviet support) and Manchukuo. The Japanese considered the river Khalkhin Gol the border between the two territories, while the Mongolians thought the border was more east, just past Nomonhan. On May 11, Mongolian cavalry was driven west of Khalkin Gol by Manchukuo cavalry, which enraged the Mongolians, who returned with more force and captured Nomonhan. The Japanese brought in two regiments on May 14 and drove Mongolian forces back across the river. However, Mongolian troops came back with Soviet support and surrounded the Japanese. The Japanese troops were wiped out on May 28, losing 8 officers and 97 men. The conflict continued and throughout June of 1939, there were more clashes between Mongolian and Manchukuo units. Finally, in early September, politicians from both sides negotiated an agreement and signed a ceasefire in Moscow, Russia--they agreed the border between Mongolia and Manchukuo was Nomonhan. This battle and the following agreement greatly affected Japanese imperialism: they lost prestige and the navy gained support for moving across the Pacific Ocean into Europe. This agreement would also morph into the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

13 Feb 2018


11 Mai 1939 Jahr
~ 85 years ago

