June 15, 2024

1 Jan 1227 Jahr v. Chr. - Eleventh Labour of Heracles


After Heracles completed the first ten labours, Eurystheus gave him two more, claiming that slaying the Hydra did not count nor did cleaning the Augean Stables. Heracles was instructed to steal three of the golden apples from the garden of the Hesperides.

Because he did not know where the garden was, he began a long search during which he meets Antaeus, who was invincible as long as he touched his mother, Gaia, the Earth. Heracles killed Antaeus by holding him aloft and crushing him in a bear hug. During his search, Heracles travelled to Aethiopia, where he killed King Emathion. Emathion's brother Memnon became king after. Heracles stopped in Egypt, where King Busiris decided to make him the yearly sacrifice, but Heracles burst out of his chains.

Heracles finally consulted Nereus, the Old Man of the Sea, to learn where the Garden of the Hesperides was located. Heracles finally made his way to the garden of the Hesperides in the shadow of Atlas holding up the heavens on his shoulders. Heracles entered the garden and successfully stole the golden apples from under the nose of never-sleeping, hundred-headed dragon named Ladon. Eurystheus was furious that Heracles had accomplished something that Eurystheus thought could not possibly be done.

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4 Mon. zuvor


1 Jan 1227 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 3253 years ago