June 15, 2024

27 Sept 1994 Jahr - Contract with America Introduced


November 8, 1994, was the midterm elections for Congress. Republicans saw the biggest midterm victory of the century and took over Congress after 40 years of Democratic dominance. The Contract with America was the Republican promise to the people saying they would respect the values and share the faith of the American family. The contract called for tax cuts, reduced spending on everything but Social Security and defense, and term limits for Congressional members. They even told the American people to hold their elected officials accountable and keep track of their performance. In the new Congress’s first 100 days, the House passed all 34 bills of the Contract with America. Two were approved by the Senate and became law. Five more bills were also passed by the Senate but failed to become law. The remaining 28 bills did not pass the Senate.

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27 Sept 1994 Jahr
~ 29 years ago