June 15, 2024

7 Dez 1941 Jahr - Attack on Pearl Harbor


American Code Breakers decoded a message that Japan would go to war with the United States. On November 27th, Officials from Washington D.C. warned Naval commanders of an attack. The commanders of Pearl Harbor ignored this since Hawaii was such a far distance away from Japan. Since they did not take this warning seriously, Japan was able to launch a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. At the end of the day, eight battleships, three cruisers, four destroyers, and six other ships were sunk. 180 planes were destroyed, 2,403 Americans were killed, and another 1,178 were injured. Luckily for the U.S., the aircraft carriers (most important ship in the Navy) were out doing training drills, miles away from the base. This battle would be a giant blow, as a large portion of the American Pacific Navy was destroyed.
Japan decided to attack, and eventually declare war on the United States was, because of the Embargo Roosevelt placed on Japan for vital materials, such as oil and scrap metals. This angered Japan and they joined the Axis powers. As Japan pushed through China and Indochina, they became a threat to the British Empire. Eventually reduced oil shipments to Japan, and froze their assets.
This attack is what got the US to declare war on Japan, and eventually the Axis powers. American society changed greatly. Young men went to war, and women and minorities worked in factories. This attack would pave the way for American history.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


7 Dez 1941 Jahr
~ 82 years ago
