July 1, 2024

1 Jan 1492 Jahr - La route des épices


Unlike most of the other trade routes in this list, the Spice Routes
were maritime paths linking the East to the West. Pepper, cloves,
cinnamon, and nutmeg were all hugely sought-after commodities in Europe,
but before the 15th century, North African and Arab middlemen
controlled access to trade with the East, making such spices extremely
costly and rare. With the dawning of the Age of Exploration
(15th to 17th centuries), as new navigation technology made sailing
long distances possible, Europeans took to the seas to forge direct
trading relationships with Indonesia, China, and Japan. Some have argued
it was the spice trade that fueled the development of faster boats,
encouraged the discovery of new lands, and fostered new diplomatic
relationships between East and West (it was partly with spices in mind
that Christopher Columbus set out on his famous voyage in 1492).
The Dutch and English especially profited from the control of the
spice trade in modern-day Indonesia, particularly the area known as the
Moluccas, or Spice Islands, which was the only source
of nutmeg and cloves at that time. Wars were fought, lands colonized,
and fortunes made on the back of the spice trade, making this trade
route one of the most significant in terms of globalization.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

8 Jun 2021


1 Jan 1492 Jahr
~ 532 years ago
