July 1, 2024

1 Jan 1619 Jahr - 1619- African Triangle trade


Goods, such as cloth and guns, from western European countries sail to Africa to trade the goods for African slaves. The slaves were either captured by a slaver or bought from African chiefs. Slavers would capture Africans from far inland and march them to the coast for the europeans. The European ships then carry the slaves to the West Indies to be sold. The slaves would be sold at auctions to the highest bidder. The money made off selling the slaves would be used to buy goods that the slaves make, such as sugar, coffee and tobacco. The ships then carry the resources to Europe to be made into manufactured goods and start the cycle over again. The African Triangle trade was significant as it gave raw materials and manufactured goods to Europe, and it also caused many slaves to die. It set the tone for cruel and unfair treatment of African Americans for the next hundreds of years. The picture shows a diagram at the goods and resources that were exchanged between the three continents.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1619 Jahr
~ 405 years ago
