June 15, 2024

1 Jan 1217 Jahr v. Chr. - Heracles Dies


Rumor tells Deianira that she has a rival for the love of Heracles. Deianira, remembering Nessus' words, gives Heracles the bloodstained shirt. Lichas, the herald, delivers the shirt to Heracles. However, it is still covered in the Hydra's blood from Heracles' arrows, and this poisons him, tearing his skin and exposing his bones. Before he dies, Heracles throws Lichas into the sea, thinking he was the one who poisoned him. Heracles then uproots several trees and builds a funeral pyre on Mount Oeta, which Poeas, father of Philoctetes, lights. As his body burns, only his immortal side is left. Through Zeus' apotheosis, Heracles rises to Olympus as he dies. When he arrives on Olympus, Zeus greets him with pride. Hera greets him as an equal. They provide their daughter Hebe, goddess of youth, as a wife.

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4 Mon. zuvor


1 Jan 1217 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 3243 years ago