June 15, 2024

27 März 1921 Jahr - Party meets Fellow Travelers Reaches Ruins


Party is suspicious of de Mendoza and Larkin. When they see the Travelers at first the NPCs try to pretend like they haven’t seen them, but then brush them off after it’s obvious.

They reach the Ruin and lose two burros. Leo falls into a chimney, followed by Sven. Soon everyone is in the tunnels.

Leo, Sven, and James find the charnel pit. Meanwhile Jackson Elias and Maggie go down and discover the treasure room and the sleeping Kharisiri. Maggie grabs an ornate golden dagger from the Tiwanaku people and a bunch of gold, then skedaddles.

Meanwhile Clarence heads down another chimney, straight to the gold ward. Petunia is left briefly above with Larkin, who mind-compels her to help Clarence. They both work at ripping open the gold warding.

Maggie and Elias meet up with Leo, Sven, and James. She tells them about the sleeping kharisiri. Sven goes to deal with them and Elias backs him up. When they reach them, Sven pulls out Hel and decapitates them both, killing them for good. Jackson recognizes the markings on the axe as coming from the Order of the Aesir, but when he brings it up Sven deflects and says he got the thing from a pawn shop. Elias can tell he’s lying, but he doesn’t bring it up.

Maggie, Leo, and Simon head down the norther tunnel, encountering the Mummy. Leo’s sharp eyes see the maggot inside, and Maggie’s quick work with a hair pin kills it.

Back underground Clarence and Petunia have some luck, ripping a tear in the warding. An earthquake rocks the ground and everyone feels something moving in the central chamber. The party doesn’t take much damage, but Maggie does throw herself into the mummy to avoid falling debris. She proceeds down the tunnel, seeing the flies coming around the corner where the pit is.

Meanwhile Petunia and Clarence tear more of the warding free. Sven comes around and can tell they’re affected. When asked why they’re doing it Clarence and Petunia reply that they need the gold, that it’s theirs. Sven offers them his gold bar, and before he can take it back Petunia snatches it. As soon as the gold touches her and she “has the warding” the compulsion fades. She gives it to Clarence, and save for some burned fingertips they are freed. They all meet up with Leo, Maggie, and James at the pool.

They come up with a crazy idea to fix the warding, via Leo’s suggestion. They stretch rope across the pool, holding it taut. Maggie balances on the rope, puts the gold ward in place, but before she can hammer it into fitting she looks into the crack.

She fails her sanity check. She loses 6 san and sees an endless ocean of fat, far larger than the space inside. She realizes that it is just a film covering an ocean of roiling maggots, and she realizes it is looking at her, through her. She gets amnesia and freezes in place.

Meanwhile Clarence (the weak link) is giving a noble performance to keep the line taut. Major James Taylor balances across the rope to go get her, hammering the gold home and carrying her to safety. With that done they circle back, Leo fixing the section of warding Clarence and Petunia broke. The party catches their breath as the Father of Maggots inside stills, and they now need to decide what to do next.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

13 Sep 2021


27 März 1921 Jahr
~ 103 years ago