June 15, 2024

7 Dez 1521 Jahr - 1521- Cortes Conquered the Aztec


Cortes traveled from Cuba, which at that point was controlled by Spain, and sailed to the Yucatan Peninsula. From there he traveled to central Mexico, where the Aztec were located. Cortes took over the Aztec civilization and forced them into slavery. The Aztecs labor increased Spain’s wealth but destroyed the Aztec civilization. In addition to forcing them into labor, the Cortes and his men killed thousands of Aztec in battles and brought disease with them, which also resulted in the death of many Aztec. Cortes took the captured Aztec land for Spain, increasing Spain's territory and control into most of modern Mexico and a lot of Guatemala and Honduras. Cortes is responsible for the fall of the great Aztec civilization. This was significant as before Cortes the Aztec was an advanced and powerful civilization. The conquering of the Aztec lead to strong Spanish cultural ties in Mexico, which is a cultural characteristic of Mexico that still lasts today. The picture shows Cortes and his men fighting against the Aztec in their civilization. Aztec architecture can be viewed in the background.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


7 Dez 1521 Jahr
~ 502 years ago
